UNISTEM DAY 2016 is coming: save the date

The great event about science and stem cells is coming back

Friday, March 11, 2016: the eighth edition of UNISTEM DAY is coming.

LOGO_UDAY2014From 2009, UNISTEM DAY has been a incredibile success, becoming one of the most important science event in Europe.

This year 73 Universities and Research Centers will take part in events all over the Europe: Italy, Spain, UK, Sweden and for the first time even Serbia, Poland, Denmark and Germany, for a total of more than 400 speakers and organizers involved and an audience that this year will reach the record number of 27,000 high school students.

It will be a great opportunity to disseminate and promote scientific knowledge and research, by providing clarity on the issue of stem cells. There will not only seminars and lectures, but also movies, visits to workshops and events halfway between art and science: this union will help to convey passion for science and his discoveries.

The main theme this year will be the freedom to study, learn and base personal opinions on real facts. “Strong in weighing up, still in criticism, unwilling to cheat, always”: these are some of the phrases coming from the original video of the event that will be screened in all locations simultaneously and that will welcome the thousands of young students who will participate the event in University classrooms and research institutes.

The appointment is for Friday, March 11, 2016, in more than 50 cities all over the Europe. Keep following us on our website and on social networks Facebook and Twitter.

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