Have a look at UniStem Day program of your University!

Which is the University closest to you? Download the relevant UniStem Day program by clicking on its name from the list

Earth at night EuropeHere is the complete list of Universities taking part in the UniStem Day 2016 on March 11th. Look for the University of your region and download the program!

On the day, there will be several moments common to all participating Universities, including an audio-video connection between involved venues in Italy, Spain, Germany, United Kingdom, Denmark, Poland, Serbia and Sweden: a symbolic “chorus” to emphasize the relevance of science in the society.

Students will be involved in discussions, films and open workshops not only with researchers, but also with science communicators and other different figure in the perspective of a multi-layered approach to scientific knowledge. Speech will focus on “the art of research”, the coverage on science by traditional and modern media and the controversial debate about the role of law in scientific topics.

For more information specific to the University closest to you, download the relevant UNISTEM DAY program by clicking on its name from the list below (costantly updated).

We remind you that a limited number of seats  is available in several participating Universities for non-students interested in the event – for further information check the program of each University.

Wait for other news on our site and Follow us on social networks Facebook and Twitter.!

See you on Friday, March 11th 2016, from 9 am!

Download the poster of the event (English – German – Spanish – Italian).




Bochum: Ruhr Universität Bochum

Berlino: GSCN, BCRT, MDC, Berlin Institute of Health, Labor Trifft Lehrer

Bonn: Universitätsklinikum Bonn, Kompetenznetzwerk Stammzellforschung NRW

Dresden: Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden, Technische Universität Dresden

Hannover: Hannover Medical School

Heidelberg: deutsches krebsforschungszentrum heidelberg

Jena: Leibniz Institut Für Altersforschung




Alma Mater Studiorum University di Bologna

National Institute of Molecular Genetic – Romeo ed Enrica Invernizzi

Rome: La Sapienza University and Tor Vergata University

University Ca’ Foscari Venice

University of Bari

University di Camerino

University of Molise

University of Piemonte Orientale “Amedeo Avogadro”

University of Insubria

University of Basilicata

University of Cagliari

University of Catania

University of Ferrara

University of Florence

University of Genoa

University of Milan

University of Milan Bicocca

University of Naples Federico II

University of Padova

University of Palermo

University of Parma

University of Pavia

University of Pisa

University of Sassari

University of Siena

University of Turin

University of Trento

Udine: University of Udine, University of Trieste and Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati

University of Urbino Carlo Bo

University of Verona

University of Calabria

Politechnic University of Marche



Centro de Medicina Regenerativa de Barcelona

Universidad autonóma de Madrid

Universidad de Granada

Universidad de Málaga

Universidad de Murcia

Universidad de Salamanca

Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

Universidad de Valladolid

Universidad autònoma de Barcelona

Universitat de Barcelona



University of Copenhagen



Queen’s University Belfast



University of Warsaw



University of Belgrade



University of Lund


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Online tutti i programmi di UNISTEM DAY 2016

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Ritorna UNISTEM DAY: la giornata europea dedicata alle cellule staminali

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